united kingdom


This is your perfect guide to having sex with yourself

Having sex with others is so much fun. But to really enjoy those orgasms, you’ll have to learn the subtle art of having sex with yourself first. Because, no matter whom you’re dating, at the end of the day, all that remains is you with your hands.

Nowadays, it seems that we’ve become more and more dependent on fuck buddiesand that dependence is so much so that we’ve completely forgotten the art of self-pleasuring. We all know that having sex with different people is great; but for taking your arousal to a whole new level, you have to unlock the sexual troves present within your own body.

And that’s what we’re focusing on this post. We’re giving you the complete low-down on how you can really enjoy by yourself even when you’re in the bed alone. Because in the end, nobody knows your body better than you—it’s as simple as that. Without further ado, peeps, let’s get down to the real details.

Visit someplace private

If you’re living with your folks, you’re most likely not masturbating in your own living room. So if you really want to master the art of having sex with your own self, then you have to find a super-quite spot so that you don’t get disturbed and even shock others.

If, however, your house is packed to the rafters, then you’ll have to wait until the house is totally empty or until everyone’s fast asleep. Because the last thing you’d like to experience is someone walking in when you’re in the middle of the action. Heck, we’re now reminded of American Pie.

It’s better to stay disconnected

Masturbation will require your undivided attention, homie. So if you’re too big on the idea of knowing the dark, erotic secrets of your body, then you have to disconnect yourself from everything. Yeah, you read that. If peeps are calling you or sending texts to you, then your attention—your focus—will be lost. And your lost focus will mean that you’ll even lose the zeal to ejaculate like a pro.

So it’s better to disconnect when you’ve decided to create some quality “me time” for yourself. We’re telling you to get disconnected especially because now’s the moment to get connected with yourself. During such times, you have to get rid of any distractions such as phone, laptop, and TV.

Use your hands

You’ve been told by countless peeps that you need a dildo or a vibrator or something like that. But, you know what? They’re totally wrong. Why? Because you’ve got your hands. Start off with your hands, and you’ll feel natural pleasure getting inside your entire bod.

Yeah, it sounds a bit old school but it’s effective all the same. The arousal done through your hands is the best one that you’ll need to get used to the final frontier—dick.

Get in the mood

You really want to get yourself totally aroused while you’re getting in the mood to do sex or to masturbate. Now here’s where all the things get a bit tricky.

Why? Well, everyone has their own desires and needs. But what’ll arouse you? Well, the answer lies when you explore your body well. Because every single body is different from the other one, so it all will depend on your needs—you never know what’ll actually kick-start your body’s arousal mechanism. However, generally speaking, a lot of peeps go through erotic books or watch porn to fantasise.

Begin the game by stroking

To start off, you have to keep all the things quite basic.

Start with exploring your vagina more and see what works and what doesn’t. How do you start? Well, you can begin by gently stroking your vagina with your tender fingers.

Now, slowly stroke the vagina, labia, and clitoris. These are your body’s portions that’ll be stimulated by a single touch.

And, be patient and gentle because the arousal will take a couple of your minutes.

So here’s precisely where we’ll end the post, ladies. We really hope that, now, you exactly know what’ll work for you and what won’t. And keep exploring your body—because you never know which thing will actually stimulate you. Last, if you’ve found this piece useful, then do share it with your girlfriends.

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